Tuesday, June 30, 2015

July 1, 2015

Final Blog of the Mission!!

Hard to believe; however, the day of departure (July 25th) is fast approaching.  At the time of this writing, 24 days to be exact.  Where have 18 months gone?  To say the least, it has been a life altering experience.  As the anticipation grows, so do emotions associated with leaving great people and a wonderful country but being reunited with family again.

As previously described, we arrive July 25th in Los Angeles after an all-night flight, leaving Auckland 9:40 PM Saturday, arriving LA, 2:35 PM, Saturday (the day we lost coming over).  We then proceed to Newport Beach for a week with all of the family.  Great reunion time anticipated.

We have always desired to visit Sydney Australia before departing.  However, due to a variety of reasons, it was concluded not possible although still within the Pacific Area Public Affairs area (9,000 square miles).  Then fate intervened.  We were asked to go on assignment to Sydney to assist to the public affairs office.  (Please, “don’t throw me in the briar patch!”) These good couples are undergoing transition in offices, assignments and related logistics.

After three days at the Sydney service center, we took two personal days and with the assistance of Marriott reward points, toured one of the world’s greatest and certainly most cosmopolitan cities.

Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House

Kangaroo trying to read missionary badge.

Any of you boys remember Elder Thurman?
You say your great, great, great grandfather may have mentioned him?
Life in PA continues as we have become accustom.  In the coming weeks and months, the following will take place:

Time Out for Women event in Auckland; USS Mercy (hospital ship) coming to Papua New Guinea and Fiji; re-dedication of the Fiji Temple including cultural celebration and open house; BYU Living Legends performances early next year; Christmas lights at the Hamilton Temple; Auckland Symphony Orchestra Christmas performance with an LDS Choir; YSA and Parliament in Wellington; and the list goes on and on.

Just the next six months plus for PA assigned missionaries.

Since we are in the Area Office, the Presidency hosts a luncheon for departing missionaries.

At the far right is President Pearson, truly one of the most gifted speakers that Carol and I have ever witnessed. Elder Nielsen and his wife Wendy are on the left.  These men are exceptional.  The experience has been life changing.

Well, the next time we communicate, it will be in person!!  We can then bore anyone willing to listen with pictures and tales.

See you soon.  All our love and well wishes.

E/S Keith and Carol Wallace

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Auckland, New Zealand

Well folks, another month has past and we are quickly moving toward our July 25th departure date.  In the words of our companion couple, Elder and Sister Fugal, 7 Mondays. By the way, the Fugals want you all to know Pleasant Grove is the center of the known universe and think they can prove it.  But I digress. 

Guy and Paula Fugal, our companions for almost 18 months

I know how trite it becomes describing accelerated time passage but it really does not seem possible the end is in sight.

First, let me summarize New Zealand. It is truly an amazing country.  Other than being more expensive, the quality of life is exceptional.  There is extreme cultural diversity. The predominant ethnicities are European (Caucasian for those note familiar with filling-out international immigration forms) and Maori. However, approximately 40,000 Asians and Eastern Indians immigrate every year.  This may not seem large but keep in mind the aggregate population is approximately 4.5 million with 33% of those being in the Auckland area.

As you have seen in prior blogs, the country’s natural beauty and diversity is legendary.  Wherever you travel, it looks like a manicured golf course.  Very few watering systems since it rains so much.

One of the exceptional blessings has been our location in the Pacific Area Office.  Since the Area Presidency is here, all matters and visits come through this facility.  That together with our assignment as public affairs specialists has allowed us to cover general authority visits (Elder Bednar and Elder Cook), interfaith activities, government leader interactions as well as travel to Fiji, Australia and Tonga and up and down the north and south islands of NZ.

However, our primary activity has been Pacific Mormon Newsroom.  Carol has become a skilled article writer (Pulitzer committee on line one …) and I have materially improved my photographic skills.  Another cheap plug … See mormonnewsroom.

All that to say what a blessing it has been to be here.  And for the people with whom we have associated, very kind, warm and accommodating.  It is not home but there will be “separation anxiety”.

Recently, we have been involved with inter-faith activities, most notably a visit by Elder S. Gifford Nielsen (former BYU/Houston Oilers quarterback. I am going to get his autograph for the fourth generation England boys) and Cardinal John Dew, the Archbishop of the Wellington Catholic Diocese.

Fred Woods, Neville Rochow, Cardinal Dew, Elder Nielsen and OGC Arthur Edgson

While visiting I asked Cardinal Dew about two famous Utah Catholics, Mike Bunnell and Jim Macinnes.  He mentioned something about disciplinary action …

In addition, we hosted religious freedom lectures for two prominent scholars, Fred Woods, BYU and Neville Rochow, an Australian barrister and faculty member, University of Notre Dame – Sydney. See picture above.

The Church recently partnered with Toyota to support a 'Feed the Need' charity.  The organization started by a local Church member,  provides meals to under privileged school children and is now providing in excess of 70,000 meals per year. Typical to the things we cover in public affairs.

Toyota representative, Kerry Owen -founder and Elder Haleck of the Area Presidency
Well, that’s it for now.  We have begun sorting clothes and other such issues.  Going to have a fire sale – everything must go including the missionaries.

Love and miss you all – see you soon.